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How to setup Oracle9iAS passwords?



Gathered By: John Kazerooni

Each section details setting up different passwords for different types of  users.


Setting up Portal v2 passwords:



1. Setting up Portal v2 lightweight user passwords

1.1. Through Portal

1.2. Through OID (web)

1.3. Through OID (console)


2. Setting up Portal v2 database schema user passwords

2.1. Through OEM

2.2. Through SQL*Plus/Mod_PLSQL/OID


3. Setting password Policies for OID


1. Setting up Portal v2 lightweight users passwords


1.1. Through Portal

-> Open a browser and connect to Portal v2: http://<instance_hostname>:<port>/pls/portal (default)

-> Logon into Portal v2: Username: portal Password: <Infrastructure_password> (default)

-> You should be able to see Portal v2 home page

Go to the 'Builder' link;

Go to the 'Administer' tab;

On the 'User' portlet, type the user name you want to edit, for example 'portal' and press 'Edit' button; Enter the password of your choice and hit the 'Submit' button.

 Be aware of any password rules set up in OID (See section 3)


1.2 Through OID (web)

-> Open a browser and connect to OID: http://<infrastructure_hostname>:<port>/oiddas

Use the Infrastructure port - this is 7777 by default

-> Click on the 'password' link for this page. Connect as the user whose password you want to change. Select the 'Login' button.

-> Enter the password of your choice and select the 'Submit' button.

The following dialogue will be displayed:-

Password was successfully changed !

Click the 'Ok' link and then the 'Logout' icon.

-> Open a browser and you should be able to connect to Portal v2 with the new password:

http://<instance_hostname>:<port>/pls/portal (default)


1.3. Through OID (console)

-> Connect to OID (you need to have an X server running if you are running on UNIX)

prompt> $INFRASTRUCTURE_HOME/bin/oidadmin

From Windows: Start Menu

+ Programs

+ Oracle9I Application Server (Ora9ias-Mid_home)

+ Integrated Management Tools

+Oracle Directory Management

-> To gain access to the Oracle Directory Manager Connect (Assumption: you have your OID already configured)

If OID is not configured then you will need to set up the server.

E.g. hostname - port - 4032

User : cn=orcladmin

Password: <infrastructure_password>

Server : host running Oracle Internet Directory and port number

where Oracle Internet Directory is listening

The default port for Oracle Internet Directory is 4032 (without SSL)

-> You should be able to see the OID console

+ Oracle Internet Directory Servers

+ cn=orcladmin@OID_hostname:OID_port

+ Entry Management

+ dc=com (default subscriber) ... and drill down this hierarchy until you get the following (domain)...

+ cn=Users

+ portal

+ portal_admin


-> If you scroll down in the Properties tab, you'll find the 'userpassword' field where you can set up the Portal v2 lightweight user password.

Be aware of the OID password rules, otherwise you'll probably get an Error Code=112 (See Section 3).



2. Setting up Portal v2 database schema users passwords


2.1. Through OEM

-> Open a browser and connect to OEM v2: http://<hostname_oem_is_up>:1810/ (default)

Username: ias_admin

Password: <password>

-> In the section 'Standalone Instances' select the instance name where you have Portal installed (as default installation).

-> At the bottom of Instance page, Click on 'Configure Schema'

-> You may change the Portal v2 database user schemas passwords in there (portal, portal_public, portal_demo and portal_app).

Select the radio button of the user you want to change and press the 'Change Password' button.

-> Enter the password twice and select the 'Ok' button.

OEM will display :

Password successfully updated.

Press the 'Ok' button.

Note: This will automatically synchronize the OID database user schema entry.

-- Mod_PLSQL synchronization through OEM --

(if you do not do this, the error HTTP-403 - Page Forbidden will display in the browser. This error means you can not connect through Mod_PLSQL to your database, it has the old database schema password for Portal) To solve this problem:-

-> Go to the Instance page, and click on the 'HTTP Server' link.

-> At the bottom of this page there is a link to the 'PL/SQL Properties', click it.

-> On the 'mod_plsql Services' page there is a section for the 'DAD Status'.

Click on the 'Portal' link.

-> On the 'Edit DAD: Database Connection' page, edit the field 'Database

Password'. Type the same password as you have chosen for the portal database user schema. Click on the 'Finish' button.

OEM will display:

Portal has been updated.

Select the 'Ok' button.

*** Restart HTTP Server <-- You have to do this in order for the changes to take effect

-> Go back to the 'HTTP Server' page, Click on 'Stop' > 'Yes' > 'Ok' buttons (to stop the Instance Apache Server). Click on 'Start' > 'Ok' buttons (to start the Instance Apache Server back again).

-> Open a browser and you should be able to connect to Portal v2: http://<instance_hostname>:<port>/pls/portal (default)

2.2. Through SQL*Plus/Mod_PLSQL/OID

-- SQL*Plus --

-> Connect to SQL*Plus (Your infrastructure intance)

prompt> $INFRASTRUCTURE_HOME/bin/sqlplus /nolog

SQL> connect sys as sysdba

Enter password: manager (default)

SQL> alter user portal identified by portal1;

User altered.

SQL> exit

Note: You can also reset the other Portal v2 database schemas passwords (portal_public, portal_demo and portal_app) as the next steps do not have an effect on their password change (you may skip them - ONLY for

these schemas).

-- Mod_PLSQL synchronization --

-> Go to the DAD's configuration file and change the following ($INSTANCE_HOME/Apache/modplsql/conf/dads.conf):


<Location /pls/portal>

SetHandler pls_handler

Order allow,deny

Allow from All

AllowOverride None

PlsqlDatabaseUsername PORTAL

PlsqlDatabasePassword portal1


Note: Unfortunately, using this method the portal schema user password is visible from the Operating System. This does not happen through OEM as it will encrypt it - See section 2.1

-> Stop and start the HTTP listener from the 9iAS v2 Instance: prompt> $INSTANCE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl shutdown

Due to bug #2254678, you may need to:

If the following error is observed: ADMN-906035 you are probably

hitting bug #2254678, you may need to use the 'force' option

prompt> $INSTANCE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl shutdown -force

prompt> $INSTANCE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl start -cl

If the following error is observed: ADMN-906005 / ADMN-906021, this

is normal in slow/busy environments.

-> You should be able to access your Portal v2 again through a browser. http://<instance_hostname>:<port>/pls/portal (default)

-- Oracle Internet Directory synchronization --

Connect to OID through the console, you need to have a X server running on UNIX.

prompt> $INFRASTRUCTURE_HOME/bin/oidadmin (instructions above from how to access OID from Windows)

-> To gain access to the Oracle Directory Manager Connect

User : cn=orcladmin

Password: <infrastructure_password>

Server : host name running Oracle Internet Directory and port number where Oracle Internet Directory is listening The default port for Oracle Internet Directory is 4032 (without SSL)

-> You should be able to see the OID console

+ Oracle Internet Directory Servers

+ cn=orcladmin@OID_hostname:OID_port

+ Entry Management

+ cn=OracleContext

+ cn=Products

+ cn=IAS

+ cn=IAS Infrastructure Databases

+ orclReferenceName=iasdb.<infrastructure_machine>

+ OrclResourceName=PORTAL


-> Click on the Properties tab, in the 'orclpasswordattribute' field you can synchronize the database user schema password that you have altered through SQL*Plus.

* Be aware of the OID password rules, otherwise you will probably get an Error Code=112 (See Section 3).



Oracle recommends that the changes should be done through Oracle OEM, which is explained in section 2.1 of this document. Also in OEM, you may need to refresh as it may show some components down (which actually are up).

Also, if you'll make manual changes to the configuration files for these components your changes will not be reflected in the DCM repository:

- Oracle HTTP Server

- OC4J

Manual changes are changes you make to configuration files without using the Enterprise Manager Web site.

To propagate your manual edits back to the DCM repository, run the following commands after making any manual edits:

ORACLE_HOME\dcm\bin\dcmctl updateconfig ohs (for HTTP Server/mod_plsql)

ORACLE_HOME\dcm\bin\dcmctl updateconfig oc4j (for OC4J)

This is also the case if you created, modified, or deleted DADs or modified the mod_plsql cache setting manually or by using the Oracle Enterprise Manager.

See the Oracle9i Application Server Administrator's Guide for more details.


3. Setting password Policies for OID


3. Through OID

-> Connect to OID, you need to have a X server running if you are running from UNIX

prompt> $INFRASTRUCTURE_HOME/bin/oidadmin

-> To gain access to the Oracle Directory Manager Connect

User : cn=orcladmin

Password: <infrastructure_password>

Server : hostname running Oracle Internet Directory and port number where Oracle Internet Directory is listening

The default port for Oracle Internet Directory is 4032 (without SSL)

-> You should be able to see the OID console

+ Oracle Internet Directory Servers

+ cn=orcladmin@OID_hostname:OID_port

+ Password Policy Management

+ cn=PwdPolicyEntry

-> On the right in the General Tab, you will be able to see all the settings for the passwords policies.


Good Luck!


Web web site