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How to stop or start Oracle Application Server target components 

(Oracle10g iAS)?


The following is some basic important note to start or stop your Oracle Application 

Server's components. Before start or stop any Oracle Application Server components, 

add the following directories to your PATH in the Oracle .profile. $ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin


example: PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:

$ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin:.; export PATH


dcmctl command:

!! addopmnlink applyarchiveto applyclusterto applyinstanceto configrepositoryssl createarchive createcluster createcomponent deployapplication destroyinstance echo exit

exportarchive exportrepository getcomponenttype geterror getopmnport getrepositoryid getreturnstatus getstate helpimportarchive importrepository isclusterable iscompatible joincluster

joinfarm leavecluster leavefarm listapplications listarchives listclusters listcomponents listcomponenttypes listinstances listopmnlinks quit redeployapplication

removearchive removecluster removecomponent removeopmnlink repositoryrelocated resetdcmcacheport resetfiletransaction resethostinformation restart restoreinstance resyncinstance saveinstance

set setloglevel shell shutdown start stop undeployapplication updateconfig validateearfile whichcluster whichfarm whichinstance


To go to dcmctl shell environment type:

# dcmctl shell

Now you should be able to do the command.

To get help how getstate works just do the following:

dcmctl> help getstate


To get the state of the local application server instance:
dcmctl> getstate


To get the state of the component HTTP_Server:
dcmctl> getstate -co HTTP_Server -v -d (d is for detail information)

To get the state of a managed Oracle Application Server cluster:
dcmctl> getState -cl cluster1

Start Command:

dcmctl start [[-cl cluster_name] | [-i instance_name] | [-co
comp_name] | [-ct comp_type]] | [-admin]

Starts all components indicated with the scope options. If no options are 

supplied, the command starts all components in the local application server instance. 

If the -admin option is used, this command starts the DCM daemon.

To start the cluster named myCluster:
dcmctl> start -cl myCluster

To start all HTTP servers:
dcmctl> start -ct HTTP_Server

To start a component:
dcmctl> start -co myComponent


Stop Commands:
stop [[-cl cluster_name] | [-i instance_name] | [-co component_name] |
[-ct component_type]] | [-admin]

Stops the specified processes. This command does not stop OPMN or the 

DCM daemon unless the -admin option is used; in that case, it stops the daemon. 

To stop everything, including the daemon, use shutdown.

To stop the cluster named myCluster:
dcmctl> stop -cl myCluster

To stop all HTTP servers:
dcmctl> stop -ct ohs

To stop a component:
dcmctl> stop -co myComponent -v -d

The opmnctl Command:
# opmnctl [verbose] [<scope>] <command> [<options>]

Permitted <scope>/<command>/<options> combinations are:

start - Start opmn startall - Start opmn & all managed processes stopall - Stop opmn & all managed processes shutdown - Shutdown opmn & all managed processes [<scope>] startproc [<attr>=<val> ..] - Start opmn managed processes [<scope>] restartproc [<attr>=<val> ..] - Restart opmn managed processes [<scope>] stopproc [<attr>=<val> ..] - Stop opmn managed processes [<scope>] reload - Trigger opmn to reread opmn.xml [<scope>] status [<options>] - Get managed process status ping [<max_retry>] - Ping local opmn validate [<filename>] - Validate the given xml file help - Print brief usage description usage [<command>] - Print detailed usage description



To start opmnctl process only:

# opmnctl start


To see the status of processes:

# opmnctl status


To start all opmn managed processes:

# opmnctl startall


To stop all opmn managed processes:

# opmnctl stopall


Restart OID on the test (replica) node:

# opmnctl stopproc ias-component=OID

# opmnctl startproc ias-component=OID


Notes to remember:

Location of PORT number: $ORACLE_HOME/install/portlist.ini

Location of useful links: $ORACLE_HOME/install/setupinfo.txt

Location of Apache Config: $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf



How to test Oracle Application Server functionality after installation?

To test Oracle Application Server after complete and successful installation, 

you should open a browser, and test the following URLs:


http://hostname.domainname:7777/ --> Infrastructure

http://hostname.domainname:7778/ --> Mid-Tier thru Oracle Web Cache

http://hostname.domainname:7779/ --> Mid-Tier directly on Oracle HTTP Server

--> Login and logout as orcladmin/<ias_adminPassword>

--> Login and logout as orcladmin/<ias_adminPassword>

http://hostname.domainname:7778/pls/portal/ --> Oracle Portal
http://hostname.domainname:1810/ --> Application Server Control



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