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Table of contents

PL/SQL -- Table of contents


Introduction: PL/SQL Introduction

Note on the important definitions to remember


Hands-On 01: PL/SQL Command line editing

L command - Lists SQL or PL/SQL from the SQL buffer; I command - Inserts SQL or PL/SQL lines; Del command - Deletes SQL or PL/SQL lines; C command - Changes SQL or PL/SQL lines; SAVE command; GET command


Hands-On 02: PL/SQL Notepad editing

Open Notepad editor; Save the Oracle Buffer; Edit the file; Work with the file


Hands-On 03: Basic PL/SQL

Developing a PL/SQL block; Types of block; Anonymous or unnamed block; Components of a PL/SQL block: Declaration; Body or Execution; Exception; Implicit cursor; Explicit cursor; Parameters in cursor


Hands-On 04: Explicit Cursor Handling

Implicit vs. explicit cursors; Declaring explicit cursors; Using explicit cursor; Open Cursor; Fetch Cursor; Close Cursor; Declare variable; Using simple loop; Exit statement


Hands-On 05: Controlling Process Flow

Using Explicit Cursor Attributes; Conditional Statements and Process Flow - IF ... ELSE ... END IF; FOR LOOP statement; LOOP statements


Hands-On 06: Populating table using PL/SQL

Create table; INSERT statement in PL/SQL block; FOR LOOP statement; COMMIT statement in PL/SQL block; Using PL/SQL to access Oracle


Hands-On 07: Cursor Parameter

How to use parameters in explicit cursor; Declaring Parameters using Explicit cursors; Transaction Processing passing Parameters


Hands-On 08: EXECPTION

Type of Exceptions; Identifying Common Exceptions; Coding the Exception Handler; Pre-defined exception; User-defined exception


Introduction: Developing Program Unit Introduction

Note on the important definitions to remember


Hands-On 09: Create PL/SQL to populate table using Notepad

Create a table named cust_stat; Write a stored procedure using notepad to populate customers _statistics


Hands-On 10: Create PL/SQL to add department row using procedure builder

Write a procedure to add a record using Procedure Builder; Use input and output parameters


Hands-On 11: Create PL/SQL to remove department row

Write a PL/SQL procedure to remove a record using Procedure Builder; Use input and output parameters


Hands-On 12: Create PL/SQL to concatenate customer’s name

Write a PL/SQL function to concatenate the customer's last name and first name separated by comma; Use input parameters


Hands-On 13: Create PL/SQL to return department name

Write a PL/SQL function to return a department name; Use department number as an input parameter; Run the stored procedure; Save the function in the local library; Save the function in the database server


Hands-On 14: Debugging PL/SQL Stored Procedure

Debugging a PL/SQL using Procedure Builder; Using Breakpoint; Using Stack; Compiling and running debug procedure; Test debug procedure; Introducing TEXT_IO package; PL/SQL Library


Hands-On 15: Granting object privileges

Create; copy; alter; drop a table; Create; alter; and drop a view; Create; alter and drop a user; Create a private synonym; Create a public synonym; Grant object and system privileges; Revoke object and system privileges


Hands-On 16: Managing Objects Dependency

Directory Views; Security; Tracking Dependency


Hands-On 17: Creating Package

Create a Package Specification; Create a Package Body; Copy and paste a stored program units' header to a Package Specification; Copy and paste a stored program units to a Package Body; Compile the Package Specification; Compile the Package Body; Store packages locally or on database server


Hands-On 18: Developing and using Database triggers

Creating Triggers; Using Triggers; Dropping Triggers


Good Luck!


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