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Lesson 32

"God will not look your over for medals, degrees or diplomas, but for scars." 

-Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915)

How to use very fast time series queries?


The Reference View Mechanism encapsulates information related to the tables and columns where the time series data is stored, and a runtime mechanism that interprets this information and dynamically generates a SQL query during the invocation of a time series function. 


This reference view delivers very high performance for a wide range of time series queries. 


The reference view is defined over the same columns as the time series detail table. However, instead of returning all the underlying data for a particular time series, the view returns a structure to be used at runtime by database internal engine.  This structure provides the necessary meta-data enabling the runtime to obtain the information pertaining to the referenced time series, without fetching the entire time series from disk.  ONLY THE DATA NECESSARY FOR THE QUERY IS FETCHED FROM DISK  


Example Set up


Consider the SQL syntax for invoking a moving average.  The following query issues a 10-day moving average for the close price of 'ORCL' for the month of December 2000.   


          SELECT *  

          FROM stockdemo_ts ts, 

          TABLE (CAST(ordsys.timeseries.ExtractTable( 





              ) AS ordsys.ordtNumTab)) 

           WHERE ts.ticker='ORCL';


Here we see the Mavg function invoked with the qualifier "close", the first and last date in December 2000, and a window of size 10. The ExtractTable function produces a nested table type (ordtNumTab), which is a table of DATE and NUMBER columns. 


Note that the Reference View is included in the FROM-list of time series queries. Also note that the 'ORCL' time series may contain many years of data, and the query may only require a few of these data points. 


For a more complete context, we next consider the tables involved in one approach for using the reference view. 


First, consider an example of an underlying table of time series detail data.  OTS (Oracle Time Series) employs three basic tables to store time series information: 


1. Time Series Detail Table 


The Detail Table stores the "raw" time series data. The detail table has three types of columns: 


Identifier Column(s) - The detail table also has one or more identifier columns (such as "ticker") used to identify the time series.   


Timestamp Column - A timestamp indicates the time when the observation(s) were made. 


Observation Column(s) - The detail table has data for five observations columns, corresponding to open, high, low, volume, and close.  These columns correspond to observed numerical values in the time series. (Note that in general, a detail table may have an arbitrary number of observation columns, and the names of these columns are also arbitrary). 


         An example time series detail table is show below: 


         CREATE TABLE stockdemo 

            (ticker   VARCHAR2(5), 

             tstamp   DATE,  

             open     NUMBER,  

             high     NUMBER,  

             low      NUMBER,  

             close    NUMBER,  

             volume   INTEGER, 

             CONSTRAINT pk_stockdemo PRIMARY KEY (ticker, tstamp)); 



2. Calendar Table 


The calendar table stores instances of calendars.  Calendars essentially describe ALL VALID TIMESTAMPS in a time series, and are used as a navigational aid in time series functions to enable functions such as lead/lag, annualized sum, and moving average. 


The calendar is implemented as an object type 


         CREATE TABLE stockdemo_calendars of ordsys.ordtCalendar ( 

             name CONSTRAINT pk_stockdemo_calendars PRIMARY KEY); 


The fields of the type include the calendar name (for retrieval indexed by name), the frequency of the time series, boundary dates, and other information relevant to describing which dates are valid dates in a time series. 


The map table associates a time series identifier with a specific calendar: 


         CREATE TABLE stockdemo_map ( 

            qualname   VARCHAR2(20), 

            calendarname VARCHAR2(20), 

            CONSTRAINT  pk_stockdemo_map PRIMARY KEY (qualname)); 

The reference view is defined over the qualifier and observation columns. 


         CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW stockdemo_ts(ticker, 





                                              volume) AS        

             SELECT map.qualname, 


                         map.qualname, Ref(cal), 'stockdemo_sv',  

                         'tstamp', 'open', 'ticker', map.qualname), 


                         map.qualname, Ref(cal), 'stockdemo_sv',  

                         'tstamp', 'high', 'ticker', map.qualname), 


                          map.qualname,  Ref(cal), 'stockdemo_sv',  

                          'tstamp', 'low', 'ticker', map.qualname), 


                          map.qualname,  Ref(cal), 'stockdemo_sv',  

                          'tstamp', 'close', 'ticker', map.qualname), 


                          map.qualname,  Ref(cal), 'stockdemo_sv',  

                          'tstamp', 'volume', 'ticker', map.qualname) 

             FROM stockdemo_map  map, stockdemo_calendars cal 

             WHERE map.calendarname =; 


The type ordsys.ordtNumSeriesIOTRef includes the following fields: 


           i)   name of returned time series 

           ii)  reference to the calendar  

           iii) name of time series detail table 

           iv)  name of timestamp column 

           v)   name of observation column 

           vi)  name of qualifier column 

           vii) qualifier name 


As mentioned earlier, these fields are used by the internal runtime to issue queries to the appropriate tables, and the appropriate columns of these tables.